Museo Archeologico Capialbi (Vibo Valentia)
Progetto museologico
Ithe archaeological museum "v. Capialbi" stands as a flexible organism capable of communicating with the outside through simple language and perceptible; an institution that interacts with the public and with the territory through continuous training culture. The original core of the Museum, as well as finds from excavations carried out in the city, also includes elements of private collections. The exhibition is proposed in order to provide the public with the knowledge of the culture and history of the city to which the Museum belongs, by observation of artefacts found in archaeological investigations. The exhibition runs through the halls of the Swabian Norman Castle – following a chronological distinction and provenance zones. The route starts on the upper floor, which displays artifacts from the sacred areas of the territory, the lower floor accommodates the finds from the necropolis West of the city, other halls are used during temporary exhibitions through which the idea of flexible Museum, which is constantly renewing itself according to the needs of the public. In addition, the route was organized an exhibition for the blind in order to make the Museum more accessible. Leitmotiv and determining the set-up was respect for the existing building, looking so the right balance between the technical and the necessity of reading rooms of the Castle.

Progetto museografico
In the first part of the path, the Windows with trapezoidal section, form a single system consists of five units, completely transparent and arranged in modular chessboard, aligned in the longitudinal direction of the room. The inclination of the two glass walls of the long sides, reduces most of the reflections of light coming from the Windows. Other showcases parallelepiped, of various sizes, are arranged in the halls to emphasize some basic steps, path highlighting and isolating, groups of exhibits related to particular needs interpretation. Later, in a smaller size and other characteristics of the environments have influenced the use of leaning against the walls, shop Windows while keeping them the same typological setting of precedents. Complementary educational panels, shop Windows are wall and lectern. The first resumed formal showcases, reasons that are supported, and are characterized by maximum simplicity in order not to interfere with educational content. Those on the wall, all of the same size, they are also made with very linear structures: two metal holders, which define the upper and lower sides and constitute the backbone.
The illumination of exhibits and educational accessories is provided by ceiling light fixtures with fluorescent lamps inside the showcases and equipment applied to a suspended structure with electrified driving. The Archaeological Museum of Vibo Valentia, was established in 1969, with the patronage of the local Lions Club, under the chairmanship of Dr. Vincenzo Nusdeo, Honorary Inspector of Antiquities hipponiati and the Archaeological Superintendent, Dr. Giuseppe Foti. The original core of the Museum, in addition to materials from excavations carried out in the city, includes those collected in private collections. For many years the Museum has been housed in the 19th-century Palazzo G and has only recently been transferred at the Castello Normanno-Svevo. The monument was restored by the Soprintendenza ai beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici della Calabria. Reuse of the Palace as the seat of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale, offers advantages, because it becomes a talking container of archaeological artifacts and discover how aggregating pole of the vast medieval old town of Vibo Valentia. The Castle poses many problems in logistics, to the lack of space for warehouses and construction difficulties due to little brightness. You have attempted to resolve the problems, by using special devices. Not without difficulty has been the insertion of modern museum activities in areas belonging to a body built in remote time

and other uses. We tried to respect the architecture, at the same time it is mediated between aspects of spatial organization and installation of technological equipment provided by law. This activity causes the container to take it the whole element function integrated with the city and its territory.
The Museum is divided into four main sections: findings from sacred buildings, cemeteries, private collections and Roman materials.
The exhibition begins with proto-historic objects, the result of excavations in the area, such as a Enolitico hut. Figure a sword of the 13th century BC, discovered by chance at a tomb in the 6th century BC. On the first floor are exhibits from the four sacred areas of the Magno-Greek cities, including:
- from contrada Scrimbia are artefacts dating from the late 7th to late 5th century BC, with Corinthian pottery and rodie, attic large basins and bronze helmets, votive statues and high quality jewellery, silver inoro and varied, including earrings, rings, brooches, pins. Also from the same area are architectural fragments, dating from around 550 BC by a large Doric Temple still not localized.
- Some come from Arteixo pinakes typical production of Locri Epizefiri and two terracotta Temple models, rich in detail.
The lower floor displays artifacts from the necropolis, dating from the late 7th to the 4th century BC, including a laminetta in gold with an inscription in Doric dialect-Ionic attesting the Orphic cult, with recommendations for the deceased in the afterlife. Was found in a woman's grave dating from the 5th and 4th century BC.
The remains of the Hellenistic necropolis of contrada Piercastello testify to the presence of the Bruzi in area, and is notable for the presence of two ceramic warriors from a Chamber tomb of the late 3rd century BC.
Among the antiquarians nuclei are the private architectural ceramics as archaic pottery from Scrimbia, leantefisse and palmettes silenica mask and the potholes. Between the lekythoi are attic ceramics with red figures.
Interesting is the money chest Capialbi, which contains some very rare Golden Locrians. In the last section, dedicated to the Roman period, are preserved artifacts from Sant'Aloe where they were put in a different light and thermal domus with mosaics; also not far from there in the years ' 70 came to light a closet of coin silver coins Brettie 867 dated at the end of the 3rd century BC. From this location come sealed terracotta pots and marble statues, among which a bust of Agrippa, of great artistic quality. There are also some Roman sepulchral kits with very refined decoration lamps, cabinets and glass unguentaria of great value. In the courtyard there is a 3rd century mosaic discovered near the ancient port city.